
This is the first expansion. Unlike expansions after it, this one really has no theme. It just literally adds on to the base game.

In this section, let’s go over some of the more relevant objects, the NPC’s and careers that come with this expansion, and some other features included with Livin’ Large.

I’m not covering every little detail, just the big ones. I encourage you to play the game with this pack to discover more surprises.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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I'm only going over certain ones that came with the expansion.

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Re: Objects

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The Concoctanation Station
The chemistry set. Your sim will need one cooking point in order to use this. This object increases the Logic skill.
You can only make one potion at a time. Your sim must drink the potion (or sell the chemistry set, or have multiple chemistry sets) in order to make another. You can't sell the potions themselves.
Potion ColorWhat It Does
BlueMaxes 3 random motives
YellowReverses a sims' personality. So if you had a neat sim, they will now be a slob after drinking this.
WhiteCures sickness but rarely appears. Has a chance to not cure the sim.
PurpleTurns a sim into a monster for about 3-4 hours. The player will not have control of the sim. The sim will break everything, wake up sleeping sims, and paint child paintings on the easel. They can also scare off burglars.
RedThis will make your sims' worst enemy fall in love with them. Be careful of jealous spouses.
OrangeThe sim will become invisible for 12-18 hours.
Dark GreenThis will make an evil clone of your sim. If the evil clone talks to friends, those relationships can plummet with your ORIGINAL sim, due to sims' not being able to tell the clone from the original sim.
Light GreenThis makes your sims' needs plummet! If you don't take care of them within 163 minutes (2 hours and 43 minutes sim time.) they will starve to death.

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Re: Objects

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Look at the stars.. look how they shine- ok. This object increases Logic. If a sim looks through it too long (earns 2 - 3 points without a break) they could be abducted by aliens! Once they return, their personality will be randomized.

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Re: Objects

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Vibromatic Heart Bed
Sims can….. um… “woohoo”.

Turn the bed to Vibrate (-$20) and lie in bed. Then send that sims’ special someone to do the same, then select ‘Play’. Fun and social motives will rise.

For sims of the opposite genders, the popup ‘Should we have a baby?’ might appear. This will not happen for same-sex couples. (Missed opportunity to put a 'Should we adopt a baby' message!)

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Re: Objects

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Beaver Pelt Moosehead
This is a strange object.

It’s antlers move. It will make a noise when they do. The position of the antlers indicate the mood of the sims on the lot.

Sims are weird!

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Re: Objects

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Crystal Ball
Change a sims’ personality. Once your sim uses it, you have 24 in-game hours to figure out the task, then have your sim complete that task. Thankfully, I got a cheat sheet!
MessageAnswer 1Effect 1Answer 2Effect 2
Be More CleanHave a clean house+1 Neat PointHave a dirty house-1 Neat Point
Just Enjoying Yourself/Fun Not FrownHave fun+1 Playful PointNo fun-1 Playful Point
Befriend the NeighborhoodSpend 10 hours with other sims at home.+1 OutgoingN/AN/A
ActiveHave a low comfort score+1 ActiveN/AN/A

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Objects

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Antique Lamp
The genie!
Wishes can, and often do, go wrong with this guy. Be careful.
The lamp can be cleaned once a day. If multiple lamps are on the lot, then several wishes can be made in a day. (The inept genie is a way to balance this.)
Once a wish has been made, the lamp can not be sold for its full value, even if its the same day it was bought.
WishGood OutcomeBad Outcome
FireComfort and Social maxedObject set on fire
WaterSummon water fountain or hot tubCauses flood
EarthAll plants and flowers are healthyAll plants and flowers die
AirSummons many pink flamingosSummons many cockroaches
WorkGain some skillsLose some skills
LeisureSummons random entertainment or recreational objectSome fun objects set on fire.
MoneySummons pot of goldSummons bills
LoveGain a new love interestLose relationship with someone
FriendsGain a new friendLose a friend
FamilyGain relationship with family memberLose relationship with family member. Scolded by genie if only one sim is in the household.

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