
I’ve heard people say “The Sims 1 is hard!” They’re not wrong! Unlike the “dollhouse” like playstyle of the Sims 4 today, back then, The Sims 1 was more of a life simulator game that took planning and strategy to take care of your sims as they lived their daily lives. Let’s take a deep dive into this game and learn what it takes to keep your sims alive and happy.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm


Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

A sims personality ranges from 1 - 10 points in 5 categories. However, they only have 25 points to distribute over these 5 categories in Create a Sim.
  • Low: 1 - 3 points
  • Medium: 4 - 7 points
  • High: 8 - 10 points
Let's look at each personality below.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Personality

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  • Low: A good comfortable couch in front of the tv is where they're happy. Their comfort will drop if they don't do this enough.
  • Medium: They are comfortable with sometimes lounging about but don't keep them there too long. They also enjoy some swimming or other active activities.
  • High: Sitting on the couch is boring for them! They would much rather be swimming or other active activities like basketball or dancing.
  • Best Fun Activities: Basketball Hoop, Play Structure, TV (Action Channel)

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Personality

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  • Low: They don't mind a messy home. They never clean up after themselves.
  • Medium: They'll occasionally clean up, but you might have to direct them if there's a big mess.
  • High: They can't stand a messy home. They always clean up after themselves

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Personality

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  • Low: They enjoy teasing and insulting their friends. They love bragging.
  • Medium: They're pretty level-headed. Only a grouchy sim can get under their skin.
  • High: They just want to make the world a better place!
  • Best Fun Activities: TV (Horror Channel (Low Nice))

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Re: Personality

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  • Low: They like to keep to themselves, which means it will be harder to keep friendships. They don't care to receive hugs, kisses, and back rubs.
  • Medium: They are easier to get to know and enjoy some intimacy.
  • High: They're party animals! They love to socialize and love intimacy. Their Social motive drops faster.
  • Best Fun Activities: Hot Tub, TV (Romance Channel)

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Re: Personality

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  • Low: They would rather have a bookcase and a comfortable chair, or a chess table, or even an easel for painting.
  • Medium: They don't mind a good joke or a little tickling. Don't expect them to be out on the dance floor without a good crowd.
  • High: They're party animals! They love a good party and telling jokes. Their Fun motive drops faster.
  • Best Fun Activities: Aquarium, Chess Table, Computer, Doll House, Flamingo, Pinball, TV (cartoon channel), VR headset. Low playful sims love reading the newspaper.

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