Ark: Survival Evolved (ASE), Ark Survival Ascended (ASA), & Ark 2.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 8:47 pm
Think of this as a kind of "pokedex" for Ark. *Bosses will not be included.
*Use spoilers at the cost of your enjoyment of the game. It's much more rewarding to tame things as the game intended (for most creatures).
Code: Select all
[size=150]Creature Name[/size]
[*]Game: ASE (Ark Survival Evolved), ASA (Ark Survival Ascended)
[*]Taming Method:
[*]Tamable Variants:
[*]Immobilized By:
[*]Preferred Kibble:
[*]Preferred Taming Food:
[*]Shoulder Pet:
[*]Regular Saddle:
[*]Platform Saddle:
[*]Tek Saddle:
[*]Can Damage:
[*]Can Carry:
[*]Carried By:
[*]Uses Oxygen:
[*]Tamed Spawn Command:
Terrestrial - Lives on Land
Aquatic - Lives in Water
Aerial - Flies
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:07 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Crystal Isles, Valguero, Ragnarok, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: Aberrant Achatina
Immobilized By: Bola, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Sweet Vegetable Cake
Rideable: No
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Sweet Vegetable Cake
Drops: Raw Meat, Chitin
Gathers: None
Produces: Achatina Paste
Can Damage: None
Can Carry: None
Carried By:
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: I wouldn’t bother taming this creature because Sweet Vegetable Cakes are not easily crafted and it’s easier to get Cementing Paste from Beaver Dams. Instead, I’d just kill this thing and harvest it for Chitin.
Tamed Spawn Command: Why?? You don't want this creature unless Wildcard updates it to have more value to us.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:14 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Crystal Isles, Valguero, Ragnarok, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: X-Allosaurus, R-Allosaurus
Immobilized By: Large Bear Trap, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: Superior
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 67
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Hide, Keratin, Allosaurus Brain
Gathers: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Hide
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood
Can Carry: Human - On saddle
Carried By: Wyvern, Crystal Wyvern, Teusoteuthis, Quetzal
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: They’re a pack creature. (multiple Allosaurus all being used together)
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Allo_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:27 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: Lost Island
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Chain Bola, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: Exceptional
Preferred Taming Food: Crops
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 55
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Herbivore
Drops: Hide, Raw Meat
Gathers: Thatch, Keratin, Wood
Produces: None
Can Damage: None
Can Carry: Human - On saddle
Carried By: Rhyniognatha, Teusoteuthis, Quetzal
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: This creature has an insane taming method. Save yourself the frustration and just force tame it.
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Amargasaurus_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:32 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Chain Bola, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Giant Bee Honey
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 74
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Omnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Hide
Gathers: Nide, Chitin, Pelt
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood, Adobe
Can Carry: Human - On Saddle
Carried By: Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Karkinos, Wyvern
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Andrewsarchus_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:37 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Aberration, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Crystal Isles, Valguero, Ragnarok, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Aquatic
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: Aberrant Anglerfish
Immobilized By: Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: Regular
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Bareback
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Angler Gel, Raw Fish Meat
Gathers: Silica Pearls, Raw Fish Meat, Black Pearls
Produces: none
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood
Can Carry: Human - bareback
Carried By: Teusoteuthis
Uses Oxygen: No
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Angler_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 25th, 2024, 9:46 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: X-Ankylosaurus, Aberrant Ankylosaurus
Immobilized By: Chain Bola, Large Bear Trap, Plant Species Y Trap, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: Regular
Preferred Taming Food: Crops
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 36
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Herbivore
Drops: Hide, Keratin, Raw Meat
Gathers: Metal, Crystal, Flint
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood, Greenhouse
Can Carry: Human - on saddle
Carried By: Argentavis, Crystal Wyvern, Wyvern, Karkinos, Quetzal, Teusoteuthis
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: One of the best creatures for gathering metal.
Tamed Spawn Command: You don't need it.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:13 am
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: Aberrant Araneo
Immobilized By: Lasso, Bola, Net Projectile, Plant Species Y Trap, Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Spoiled Meat
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 40
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Chitin, Raw Meat
Gathers: None
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch
Can Carry: Human on Saddle
Carried By: Argentavis, Wyvern, Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Megalosaurus, Karkinos, Teusoteuthis, Kaprosuchus
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "SpiderS_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:21 am
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Extinction, Valguero, Genesis 1, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Lasso, Bola, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: Simple
Preferred Taming Food: Chitin
Rideable: No
Shoulder Pet: Yes
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Hide
Gathers: Sap
Produces: None
Can Damage: None
Can Carry: Human - Hang on to its talons
Carried By: Human, Pteranodon, Tropeognathus, Tapejara, Griffin, Desmodus, Argentavis, Crystal Wyvern, Wyvern, Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Megalosaurus, Karkinos, Teusoteuthis, Procoptodon, Kaprosuchus, Gigantopithecus
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: Used as a reusable parachute. Looks very similar to the Microraptor.
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Archa_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:33 am
Game: ASA
Maps: The Island, The Center
Habitat: Aquatic
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Chain Bola, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: Superior
Preferred Taming Food: Bio Toxin
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 45
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Herbivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Hide, Keratin
Gathers: Bio Toxin
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood
Can Carry: Human (up to 4) - Saddle
Carried By: Tusoteuthis
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: Better for water. Extremely slow on land.
Tamed Spawn Command: They're not too difficult. You can do it.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:41 am
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Scorched Earth, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Aerial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: X-Argentavis
Immobilized By: Chain Bola, Bear Trap, Large Bear Trap, Plant Species Y Trap, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: Superior
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 62
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Hide, Raw Prime Meat
Gathers: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood, Greenhouse
Can Carry: Achatena - Beak, Ankylosaurus, Araneo, Archaeopteryx - Beak, Arthropluera, Beelzebufo, Bulbdog, Castoroides, Compy - Beak, Daeodon, Dilophosaur - Beak, Dimetrodon, Diplocaulus, Direwolf, Dodo - Beak, Doedicurus, Dung Beetle, Enforcer, Equus, Ferox, Gigantopithecus, Glowtail, Human, Hyaenodon, Iguanodon, Jerboa - Beak, Kairuku - Beak, Lystrosaurus - Beak, Megalania, Megalocerus, Mesopithecus - Beak, Moschops, Nameless, Otter - Beak, Oviraptor, Ovis, Pachy, Parasaur, Pegomastax - Beak, Phiomia, Pulminoscorpius, Raptor, Ravager, Sabertooth, Shinehorn - Beak, Terror Bird, Thorny Dragon, Thylacoleo, Titanoboa, Titanomyrma Drone - Beak, Trilobite - Beak, Troodon, Unicorn, Human on saddle
Carried By: Megalosaurus
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: It’s an unofficial rite of passage for you to tame this creature. Good luck. You got this!
Tamed Spawn Command: You don't need it, take on the challenge. You got this!
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:45 am
Game: ASA - Bob's Tall Tales - Wasteland War
Maps: Extiction
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: None
Preferred Kibble: Regular
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton, Raw Prime Meat
Rideable: No
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None. Has Equippable gear instead.
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Hide, Keratin
Gathers: None
Produces: None
Can Damage: None
Can Carry: None
Carried By: Tropeognathus, Tapejara, Griffin, Argentavis, Crystal Wyvern, Wyvern, Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Megalosaurus, Karkinos, Procoptodon, Kaprosuchus, Gigantopithecus
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: The goodest puppers! ^_^ Always making noise and blocking doorways. -_-'
Tamed Spawn Command: You don't need it.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 26th, 2024, 3:51 am
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Extinction, Valguero, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur, Aberration
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: Aberrant Arthropluera
Immobilized By: Lasso, Net Projectile
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Broth of Enlightenment (yes, seriously)
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 54
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Chitin, Raw Meat
Gathers: Raw Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Greenhouse, Wood, Adobe, Stone, Metal, Tek,
Can Carry: Human on saddle
Carried By: Megalosaurus, Argentavis, Wyvern, Karkinos, Mammoth, Quetzal, Teusoteuthis, Crystal Wyvern
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: Watch out for its acidic spit. It can destroy your armor
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Arthro_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 28th, 2024, 4:34 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: Genesis 1, Genesis 2
Habitat: Aerial
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: None
Preferred Kibble: Extraordianry
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: Defeat Master Controller Boss on Beta or harder. (Yup, that's what you do to unlock it. Good luck!)
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Ambergris, Raw Meat, Hide, Raw Prime Meat, Oil
Gathers: Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood, Adobe, Stone, Metal, Tek
Can Carry: Human on saddle
Carried By: None
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: Space whale, More of a PVP tame.
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "SpaceWhale_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » December 28th, 2024, 5:03 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: Genesis 2
Habitat: Aerial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Net Projectile, Chain Bola, Plant Species Y Trap, Bear Trap, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Element
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: Level 120
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: None
Gathers: Raw Meat, Hide
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood
Can Carry: Human on saddle
Carried By: None
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: Space Dolphin, I don't agree that you unlock its saddle at level 120, so: ► Show Spoiler
Spawn Saddle: admincheat GFI cedo 1 0 0
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "SpaceDolphin_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » January 1st, 2025, 8:19 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, Aberration, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial, Aquatic
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: Aberrant Baryonyx
Immobilized By: Net Projectile, Chain Bola, Plant Species Y Trap, Bear Trap, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: Regular
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Prime Fish Meat
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 49
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Hide
Gathers: Raw Fish Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat, Raw Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood
Can Carry: Human on Saddle
Carried By: Crystal Wyvern, Wyvern, Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Megalosaurus, Karkinos, Tusoteuthis, Procoptodon
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: heals fast from eating fish, don't get caught in its underwater spin attack, best to fight this creature on land, one of the best creatures to explore caves with
Tamed Spawn Command: Nah, you got this!
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » January 1st, 2025, 8:32 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: Abberation, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Lost Island, Crystal Isles, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Net Projectile, Plant Species Y Trap, Bear Trap, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Fertilized Voidwyrm Egg, Fertilized Rock Drake Egg, Fertilized Magmasaur Egg
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 85
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Raw Meat, Hide
Gathers: Pelt, Chitin, Raw Prime Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Greenhouse, Wood
Can Carry: Human on Saddle
Carried By: Rhyniognatha
Uses Oxygen: No
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "Basilisk_Character_BP_C" 150
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » January 2nd, 2025, 8:11 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Aquatic
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: X-Basilosaurus
Immobilized By: None
Preferred Kibble: Exceptional
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 60
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore - Fish
Drops: Hide, Oil, Raw Prime Meat, Basilosaurus Blubber
Gathers: Raw Meat
Produces: Oil
Can Damage: Thatch, Wood, Greenhouse
Can Carry: Human on saddle
Carried By: None
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: Cnidaria (Jellyfish) can't stun it.
Tamed Spawn Command: Nah, you don't need it.
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » January 24th, 2025, 2:47 pm
Game: ASE, ASA
Maps: The Island, The Center, Ragnarok, Valguero, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Fjordur
Habitat: Terrestrial, Aquatic
Taming Method: Knockout
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Bola, Bear Trap, Net Projectile, Plant Species Y Trap
Preferred Kibble: Regular Kibble
Preferred Taming Food: Raw Mutton
Rideable: Yes - Saddle
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: Level 40
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore
Drops: Hide, Raw Meat
Gathers: Cementing Paste
Produces: None
Can Damage: Thatch, Greenhouse
Can Carry: Human - Saddle
Carried By: Argentavis, Crystal Wyvern, Wyvern, Quetzal, Rhyniognatha, Megalosaurus, Karkinos, Tusoteuthis
Uses Oxygen: No
Notes: Mate them in water. The babies are not just tiny frogs. They are tadpoles that morph into Beelzebufo as they grow. It's so cool.
Tamed Spawn Command: Nah, you got this.
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366 Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm
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by Phoenix Flaming Star » February 24th, 2025, 3:43 pm
Game: ASE
Maps: Genesis 1, Genesis 2,
Habitat: Terrestrial
Taming Method: Passive
Tamable Variants: None
Immobilized By: Net Projectile, Large Bear Trap
Preferred Kibble: None
Preferred Taming Food: Blood Packs
Rideable: Yes, kind of - it carries the player (not even joking)
Shoulder Pet: No
Regular Saddle: None
Platform Saddle: None
Tek Saddle: None
Diet: Carnivore - I think all it eats is blood packs.
Drops: Chitin, Raw Meat
Gathers: Raw Meat
Produces: None
Can Damage: None
Can Carry: Human
Carried By: Wyvern, Rhyniognatha
Uses Oxygen: Yes
Notes: They travel by swinging with their web like Spider Man. This can be a fast way of travel. They pull in creatures to feast on them.
Tamed Spawn Command: ► Show Spoiler
cheat gmsummon "BogSpider_Character_BP_C" 150