Sims Medieval UI ... ims-3.html
How to Install
This one is easy.
Extract the .package file and put it into Documents -> Electronic Arts -> The Sims 3 -> Mods -> Packages
The new UI should show up in game now. Enjoy.
Sims Medieval UI and Sounds Install Instructions
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Re: Sims Medieval UI and Sounds Install Instructions
Sims Medieval Sounds ... r-ts3.html
The user doesn't really provide install instructions.
I went to the comments, but for me, the instructions I found in the comments on how to install were not very clear. I rewrote what I understood and tested. It worked for me. Here's some clearer instructions on how to install this mod. (Modders, please consider putting easy to follow install instructions in your mod descriptions, even if it's just 'extract to your downloads folder', or always provide a link to such instructions.)
How to Install ... r-ts3.html
The user doesn't really provide install instructions.

How to Install
- Download all 3 files.
- Keep your Download folder open. Open Documents -> Electronic Arts -> The Sims 3 -> Mods -> Overrides
- Over in your Downloads folder, extract the files from MTS_mypantsfelldown_1951366_TSMMusic_Assets_Game__Stereo and MTS_mypantsfelldown_1951367_TheSimsMedievalStingsUISounds to the Overrides folder. Your Overrides folder should now have 3 .package files inside.
- Extract the TSMMusic_Config files to their own, separate, folder. Open it.
- First, lets put the TSMMusic_Config_Stereo into the Overrides folder.
- Now, for the remaining 2, just pick one of these. It's your own personal preference. For me, I want to replace the music, so I will use the DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT file. I will put this file into the Overrides folder.
- Close everything and test. The UI and the sound should be different.