There are lots of ways to make money in Sims 3 by being self employed. What if that was the only way your sim and their offspring could make money though? Could they become millionaires within 12 generations?
The goal is to obtain $1,000,000+ over 12 generations through only being self employed.
The challenge is considered a success when generation 12 is an Elder and dies of old age with $1,000,000+ in family funds with no heir. (Another option, if you really want to keep going, is have gen 12 have an heir. Gen 13 will be a collector and each further generation will go through the Self Employment cycle again up to gen 24 with $2,000,000+ as an end goal! I'm not willing to do that myself, but if you are, I'm wishing you the best and good luck!)
This is a long (work in progress) challenge with many rules that I (Phoenix Flaming Star) created myself. It lasts up to 12 generations (and beyond if you like). Rules and more details are inside, if you're up for a challenge... 

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