Overall Rules

This is a long (work in progress) challenge with many rules that I (Phoenix Flaming Star) created myself. It lasts up to 12 generations (and beyond if you like). Rules and more details are inside, if you're up for a challenge... ;)
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Overall Rules

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 ! Message from: Phoenix Flaming Star
  • Nraas Self Employed Careers Mod is required for this challenge.
  • For this challenge, we're not sending any sims to University or the Future.
  • Each Generation has their own unique rules they must follow.
  • Since the aim of the challenge is to obtain money through only being self-employed, that means all other ways of making money is banned. No Lifetime Rewards that give money or discounts, no Buydebug, no opportunities, no stealing, no digging through trash, no Omni plant, no Careers, Professions, or Performing, no cheats (unless otherwise stated), no moving in rich sims, no using mods to give your household free money, no using objects that gives your household free money. The one and only way your household can make money is through their self-employment career. That's it.
  • Sims are not allowed to share items between generations. Example: The gardener is not allowed to give seeds or fruit to the Nectar Maker. Instead, the Nectar Maker must go out and find their own seeds themselves and grow their own, separate garden. Each generation is responsible for their own stuff.
  • You will always be creating the spouse sim for your heirs in CAS. You must use the freerealestate cheat before you move them into the household. If you don't do this, the challenge is considered failed.
  • Do not move out any household members. The household may become overstuffed. Make sure you have the right mods that enable it.
  • Only one heir per generation. (same-sex couples can adopt, but it must be a baby) No siblings, that includes twins and triplets. You must get rid of the spares before toddlerhood. If your one and only heir dies before Young Adulthood, you must have another baby. If you are unable to, only then can you use the adoption services to get an heir no older than a baby.
  • Teens are not allowed to be self-employed or hold any part-time jobs.
  • Your sims can't live in tents. They must have a house to live in. That house must be equipped with enough items for them to live on a day-to-day basis. You are not allowed to buy an item, use it, then sell it.
  • You may upgrade the house and its items once per generation, starting with Gen 2. Be mindful on how you build your house and the items you buy for your sims.
  • You may only sell to the Consignment store. No buying from it unless otherwise stated. Yes, that goes for BOTH of them.
  • For this challenge, sleeping bags are considered stationary beds. They are not allowed inside any inventories.
  • If a sim sends you an object in the mail you must keep it. You're not allowed to sell it. (You can delete it using Nraas as long as you don’t get money from it.)
  • If you are using Nraas Relativity, Skill Gain Factors and Motive Delta Factors must all be set to the vanilla game default.

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