Game Settings

This is a long (work in progress) challenge with many rules that I (Phoenix Flaming Star) created myself. It lasts up to 12 generations (and beyond if you like). Rules and more details are inside, if you're up for a challenge... ;)
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Game Settings

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

You must set your game settings to the following:

Aging is enabled and set to Epic (Ages still need to be worked out.)
  • Baby - 2 days
    The only job for a baby is to age up. They're not really helpful in this challenge. If you have more than one child, you must get rid of any spares while they're still babies.
  • Toddler - 14 days
    Teaching them to Walk, Talk, and Potty before they age up is required.
  • Child - 20 days
    Depending on their future Self Employment job, start building the appropriate skills. Making sure they get an A in school by the time they're a teen is required.
  • Teen - 25 days
    Although they can't get self employed yet, try to get their appropriate skills as high as possible or even maxed out. Learning to drive, attending prom, and making sure they get an A by the time they're a Young Adult is required.
  • Young Adult - 450 days
    This is where it begins! From now until death, your sim must make as much money as possible by being self employed. I'd suggest you produce an heir as soon as possible and keep them alive.
  • Adult - 450 days
    No changes. Just keep making BANK and keep your heir alive.
  • Elder - 180 days (Get the slider close but don’t go over)
    No changes. Just keep making BANK until they pass on. You've had about 900 days to produce an heir. If you somehow don't have a living heir by now, adoption is your last chance.
  • Autonomy must be High for both sims and pets.
  • Suppress Opportunities must be checked.
  • Summer and Winter must both be set to 28 days. Spring and Fall must both be set to 14 days.
  • Rotating Lunar Cycle must be on and set to 8 days.
  • Your sims will not become celebrities for the duration of this challenge. Check 'Opt Active Household out of Celebrity System’.

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