Starting Out - The following steps must be done in order or the challenge is considered failed.

This is a long (work in progress) challenge with many rules that I (Phoenix Flaming Star) created myself. It lasts up to 12 generations (and beyond if you like). Rules and more details are inside, if you're up for a challenge... ;)
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Starting Out - The following steps must be done in order or the challenge is considered failed.

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

  1. Choose a world you want to use. (the world must have collectables in it)
  2. Set your Game Options to the ones in the Game Settings thread.
  3. Create either 1 or 2 sims. It's up to you if you want them to have appropriate traits and Lifetime Wishes for their Self Employment job. If creating two sims, they must be roommates. No occults, kids, or pets. Do NOT move them into a house yet.
  4. Put down or choose the biggest (64 x 64) residential lot. Bulldoze it if there's a building already on it. Go into it without your sims. Be sure to just put down a cheap rock. Don't build anything. Move your sims in.
  5. Get rid of the rock, the university stuff and the portal when they arrive. Oh, and delete all objects from their inventory too!
  6. Use the familyfunds cheat to bring your family funds to 0! That's right. Your sims start with nothing! (Rags to Riches Hardcore? O.o )
  7. Get both your sims the Collector Self Employment career from City Hall! Your challenge has now begun. Good Luck!
  8. Now you'll want to head over to Self Emlployment Jobs for further information and rules.

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