I’ve heard people say “The Sims 1 is hard!” They’re not wrong! Unlike the “dollhouse” like playstyle of the Sims 4 today, back then, The Sims 1 was more of a life simulator game that took planning and strategy to take care of your sims as they lived their daily lives. Let’s take a deep dive into this game and learn what it takes to keep your sims alive and happy.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Emergency NPC's
Fire Fighter
Called from a phone! Will charge you a $100 fine for a false alarm!

Panicking Sims
When a fire starts on your lot, all sims will run over to the fire and begin to panic! They will continue this until the fire is out or you direct them to do something else like ***call the fire department!***

You can direct your sims to extinguish the fire. They will do so, one tile at a time. However, be careful as your sim can catch fire!

The fire fighter is called automatically if you have a smoke alarm in the same room as the fire. Oh, and when a fire starts, Buy and Build mode a both *disabled!* Plan ahead! On top of that, when building your home, be sure the firefighter can get to the fire as quickly as possible.

They will come when a burglar alarm goes off, or when a sim calls them on the phone. They will always arrive on foot.

A false alarm call to the police will get you a stern warning, but no fines.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Public Service NPC's
Paper Girl
She appears at 9am every morning to deliver your paper. The family dog (Unleashed) may scare her away after she delivers her paper.

The paper girl will refuse to deliver more newspapers if there are 5 or more papers on the lot. Just throw them in the trash to get her back.

Mail Carrier
She appears every 3 days to deliver your household bills to your mailbox.

Repo Man
This guy comes if bills go unpaid for 10 days. Buy and Build Modes are disabled as soon as he appears on the lot. He will take your objects, starting with the most expensive, to cover your bill amount. He may take multiple objects.

Social Worker
If a baby’s hunger is at 0 for more than 60 sim-minutes, well, say hi to the Social Worker. She’ll take away your baby with a stern scolding! Although you will get a warning before she comes.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Service NPC's
Begin this service by calling for a Maid on the phone. She will clean your home lot for $10 an hour. She works from 10am - 5pm everyday, but may leave early if there’s nothing left for her to do. Depending on how much work she has to do, she may not get everything done in one day. If you can’t pay her, she will take your objects to cover the costs! (Yeah, some Service NPC’s can steal from you and not get caught! Calling the police on them will only get you a stern warning.)

You can dismiss her for the day, or fire her and she will not come back. You can always re-hire her.

List of duties
  • Make beds
  • Spray roaches
  • clean bathrooms
  • take out the trash, ash piles, and pet droppings and cages of small pets (Unleashed)
  • wash dirty dishes
  • mop up puddles
In the Makin’ Magic expansion, if she encounters the skeleton maid, she will be terrified and quit on the spot!

Call on the phone. They cost your sim $10 per hour. They come to your lot every 3 days and care for both indoor and outdoor plants. They can replant dead plants. They work from 9am - 6pm.

You can dismiss them for the day, or fire them and they won’t come back. You can rehire them.

If they come and there’s nothing for them to do, they will still charge you for an hour of their time. They’ll also leave if they can’t reach a plant or if their route is blocked for too long.

In Unleashed, they’ll fill in holes dug by dogs.

If you don’t have enough funds to pay them for their services, they will take your objects until it covers the cost, just like the Maid.

Call them on the phone when needed, 24 hours a day. They will charge $50 an hour. They fix broken objects, unclog toilets, and replace burned out lightbulbs. He works fast, rarely staying more than an hour (depending on how much work he has to do).

Again, if you don’t have enough funds to pay them for their services, they will take your objects until it covers the cost.

Yes, he does have a chance of getting electrocuted.

Pizza Delivery
Call on the phone, available 24 hours a day. $40 each time you order a pizza. He won’t hand over the pizza if you can’t pay. He will leave with the pizza if no one answers the door for one hour. He’s the only Service NPC that won’t steal your household objects if you can’t pay him.

The pizza guy’s name is Freddy! (Did you immediately think FNAF? Yeah, me too.)

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