Create Custom Minecraft Profiles Tutorial (play earlier versions)

I play the Java version, so everything in here is for that version.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Create Custom Minecraft Profiles Tutorial (play earlier versions)

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

1. Create A Custom Profile
a. Create a folder for the custom profile. Ex: located in .minecraft\Profiles\<custom profile name>
b. Open the Minecraft Launcher and go into Installations. Create a new profile in here. Change the game directory to the folder you just made above. Choose the vanilla version of the game (don't worry, you will change this later).
c. Play your custom profile then quit the game. This is so you can get the game files in the folder.

2. Installing Forge to our Custom Profile
a. Download Forge installer for the version that I want to play (be sure it matches the game version you want to play).
b. Run the Forge installer and install it to the .minecraft folder (default settings).
c. Start the Minecraft Launcher and edit the custom profile that you made earlier. Change the version to the forge version you just installed. You may have to scroll down a bit.
d. Start Minecraft with your newly created custom profile, then quit. This will give you the rest of the folders needed.

3. Installing Mods
a. Go to the newly created Profile folder that we created earlier. Go into the Mods folder, or create it, if it does not exist.
b. Put the correct version (Both for Minecraft and Forge) of the mod into the Mods Folder. Be sure it is a .jar or .zip file. Read install instructions if needed.


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