LOTD Quest Path

I have Special Edition with the Anniversary upgrade.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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LOTD Quest Path

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This is my own personal quest path. This is not meant to be a walkthrough.

  • You are not allowed to use carriages. The carriage drivers have banned you from using their services for whatever reason you want to come up with.
  • You must have a mod that disables fast travel.
  • You must sleep from 11pm - 7am daily. Buy a tent.
  • You are not allowed to take alchemical ingredients from cities and towns. It is seen as stealing. You can take ingredients only from the wild. If you catch yourself, you must commit a crime immediately.
  • Save after you level up.
  • (Optional) Your character finds it disgusting to take weapons and armor from the dead (even if it's better). They'd rather craft their own.
  • Keep hitting enemies with DOT spells. It can help in a tough fight.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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1. Getting Started
Enable your mods in MCM
Use the Statue to StartI arrived on board a ship in Solitude
Go to Dragonborn Gallery and get the beginning Quest
Complete Chamber of SecretsDragonborn Hall basement
Buy a travel lantern and a tent before you leave Solitude
Go to the Leveler's TowerTravel on foot. You can do this! (Save often)
Add +500 to your Carry WeightIn the Lab. It will be as if you have the Bandolier mod with a large backpack
Get the spells, potions, weapons, and armor you need from the Tower
Go get TaliesinNear Lake Illinalta at the hidden Talos statue. Southwest of the Guardian Stones
Go get GoreFrom Peaks Shade Tower near Falkreath
Go get InigoFrom the Riften Jail
Go rescue Ralof from the tunnel under HelgenWe'll be going to Whiterun later.
Obtain the Jade Warrior 2Near Markarth
Obtain the Sixth House Bell HammerNear Riften
Obtain Denstagmer’s RingSilent Moon's Camp, Near Whiterun
Complete Bleak Falls Barrow
Give the Golden Claw back to the Riverwood Trader
Complete A Lovely LetterRiverwood's love triangle.
Go to the Dragonborn Gallery. Put stuff away and Sell.
Make any museum replicas you can.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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2. Whiterun
Go to Whiterun and complete Dragon Rising and become Thane
Go get Lydia
Buy Breezehome ($5,000) and all its upgrades you wantIf you don't have the coin, do some radiant quests to raise the funds.
Deliver a sword from Adrianne to Proventus
Deliver Frost Salts from Farengar to Arcadia
Retrieve an Amulet for Andurs.He's in the hall of the dead.
Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars Battle-BornFind him in his house.
Steal Argonian Ale for BrenuinBeggar in town
Complete Dungeon DelvingTalk to Amren about his sword.
Complete In My Time of NeedBannered Mare
Complete The Blessings of NatureGildergreen Tree
Complete Missing In ActionTalk to Fralia Gray-Mane at her market stall, or go to her house and talk to her son
Complete Beyond the GraveDragonsreach Dungeon, find a journal named: Death of a Crimson Dirk
Complete In the ShadowsTalk to Proventus Avenicci and ask if there is anything for you.
Complete Smith N’ SlashDossier in Whiterun Guard Barracks
Complete When the Cat’s AwayM'Sharra's Diary in the Bannered Mare. Found on the table in the back room.
Complete The Whispering DoorLevel 20 or higher. Bannered Mare, ask for rumors.
Complete Battle of ChampionsNote at the Drunken Huntsman
Drop off items at the museum and sell

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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3. Companions For me, these quests are kinda buggy...
Complete Take Up Arms
Complete Proving HonorLost Knife Hideout map marker is bugged (the marker points to the ground instead of the NPC). Clear it out, then use: setstage cr05 20 to skip. (Talk to Skor, but Ignore the marker pointing to him afterwards. Another bug.)
Complete The Silver Hand
Complete Striking the Heart
Complete Blood’s Honor
Complete Purity of RevengeIf this quest doesn't start, do this: setstage c06 30. It will start the Glory of the Dead Quest.
Complete Glory of the DeadIf the bug above happened, type: player.additem 956b5 1 to get Wuuthrad
Obtain Hendrehiem
Drop off items at the museum and sellDo the Night at the Museum quest first if it triggers.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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4. Ivarstead
Lifting the ShroudTalk to the Vilemyr Inn innkeeper. Do both parts.
The Straw that BrokeTalk to Narfi
Grin and Bear itTalk to Temba Wide-Arm
Get Klimmick's QuestSeriously?! You don't need me to tell you who to talk to!
Climb the 7,000 Steps1.. 2.. 3.. :P
Emblem 1
Emblem 2
Emblem 3
Emblem 4
Emblem 5
Emblem 6
Emblem 7
Emblem 8
Emblem 9
Emblem 10
Put the bag of supplies in the chest.
Complete the Way of the Voice
Return to Klimmick before leaving!

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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5. Morthal
Laid to RestTalk to Jonna in Moorside Inn
Falion's Secret
For the Good of MorthalTalk to Grom when he's at the Inn
DeliveryTalk to Idgrod the Younger
Thane of Hjaalmarch
Obtain Myrwatch
Complete Horn of Jurgen WindcallerThis includes returning the horn before you continue your talk with Delphine.
Complete A Blade in the Dark

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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6. Kynesgrove
Dravynea's Frost Salts
Complete Diplomatic Immunity

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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7. Riften
We're going to be here a while...
The Book of Love
Unfathomable Depths
A Soul Divided
Blue in the Face
Gambler's Edge
Shadowfoot Sanctum
The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal
Stoking the Flames
Special Delivery
Distant Memories
Spread the Love
Truth Ore Consequences
Bring It!
Bloody Nose
Few and Far Between
Supply and Demand
I Done Got Thaned
Ice Cold
Grimsever's Return
Under the Table
The Lover's Requital
Caught Red Handed
Sealing the Deal
Helping Hand
The Raid
Hunt and Gather
Promises To Keep
A Cornered Rat

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: LOTD Quest Path

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8. Thieves Guild

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