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Posted: November 30th, 2024, 3:55 am
by Phoenix Flaming Star
These are all from my experiences playing Ark.
Re: Tips
Posted: December 30th, 2024, 10:16 pm
by Phoenix Flaming Star
Always have your taming gear on you. If you see a dino that you really want to tame, and you don't have the items to tame it soon, pass on it. By the time you're ready, something will have already killed it or it will have despawned, because that's just how Ark is!

(Wanted a 150 shiny trike and a spino killed it before I was ready to tame it.)
Re: Tips
Posted: December 30th, 2024, 10:17 pm
by Phoenix Flaming Star
If you have fireplaces (or any other items that need fire) and a pyromane out around your base, if you fires suddenly go out, your pyromane could be starving! Go feed the poor thing!!
Re: Tips
Posted: December 31st, 2024, 12:03 am
by Phoenix Flaming Star
Sir-5rM8 (Bob's Tall Tales - Steampunk Ascent)
Ark's robot.
You can have more than one bot out at a time.
The robot needs the right type and amount of resources in its inventory in order to repair stuff. Make sure your resource storage is set to "Enable Automatic Withdrawl' You know you've done it right when 'Disable Automatic Withdraw' appears.
The bot can NOT open doors.
Re: Tips
Posted: January 2nd, 2025, 12:07 am
by Phoenix Flaming Star
Always label your storage. Here's some tips
- Armor
- Weapons & Ammo
- Handheld Tools
- Saddles
- Building Pieces (Walls, ceilings, doors, windows, stairs, ladders, etc)
- Crafting Items (Items that help you craft like smithies, forges, etc)
- Blueprints
- Recipes
- Bones (From Bob's Tall Tales: Wasteland War. We get TONS of bones!)
- Chibis
- Skins and Costumes
- Trophies (This trophy proves your worth as a hunter)
- Miscellaneous
Re: Tips
Posted: January 9th, 2025, 11:29 pm
by Phoenix Flaming Star
Don't teleport using the Enforcer, you can easily fall under the mesh. You will die, and your tame will die. R.I.P Cobalt.