Tribe Laws
Posted: November 30th, 2024, 6:44 pm
- All ladies of the Queen’s Court must wear floor length gowns. The only exception is the Warrior who must always be in uniform.
- Once the baby is born, the baby’s father is moved out of the town. This prevents me from using the same male over again. If the baby is a girl, she stays with the tribe. If the baby is a boy, he is first moved into his father’s home, then that family is moved out of town. This is not seen in society as discrimination. Everyone sees this as normal.
- Contact with male sims is forbidden unless it’s to procreate.
- Growing and/or eating apples and watermelon is banned for all tribe members, as they can give a better chance for the baby to be a specific gender when eaten.
- For a tribe woman to get married to a man is considered a crime punishable by death.
- No sim adoption allowed. The ladies must have girls naturally.
- Before she dies, the current Queen must have a self portrait hanging somewhere on the lot, a never melting ice sculpture of herself done by the Artist, and a book written about her reign done by the Scholar.
- Marriage between two women of the tribe is ok. However, the Queen can only take lovers. She can never marry.
- When a couple in town gets married, the wife’s last name is kept. The husband changes his last name to his wife’s. (Nraas)
- Once she begins to move in the ladies of her Court, the Queen (generation 1 onwards) is no longer allowed to cook, clean, or repair items.
- The creation of clones is banned as this is seen as an abomination against nature.
- If any of the ladies are self employed, they must work on their career activities Monday - Friday for 8 hours.
- If any tribe member sees a townie woman in labor, they must stop what they are doing and take her to the hospital immediately!
- The ladies in the Queen’s Court all have activities that the Queen expects them to complete on a weekly basis. (Unless otherwise stated.)
- If the Queen gets invited to a townie party, she always attends with her Warrior.
- The ladies of the Queen’s Court are allowed to wear makeup, but it must be subtle.
- Only opportunities related to their role are required to be completed.
- The current queen must always get the Fertility Treatment Lifetime Trait before she tries for an heiress