Other Features

This is the first expansion. Unlike expansions after it, this one really has no theme. It just literally adds on to the base game.

In this section, let’s go over some of the more relevant objects, the NPC’s and careers that come with this expansion, and some other features included with Livin’ Large.

I’m not covering every little detail, just the big ones. I encourage you to play the game with this pack to discover more surprises.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Other Features

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

With Livin' Large installed, you can now have more than just one neighborhood! The game comes with 5, but you can add more!

1. Open the Sims game directory. You should see 5 UserData folders with the first not having a number.
2. Make a copy of TemplateUserData folder. Rename the new folder UserData XX (The XX is going to be the number of your new neighborhood. Don't use the number 1 or any numbers that are already in use. Yes, you can go up to 99! Be aware that House Party adds Neighborhoods 6, 7, and 8!
3. Move that new folder into The Sims directory with the other UserData folders.
4. Check your game to see if you have more neighborhoods. If not, Google it.

No, sims from neighborhood 1 can't go and visit neighborhood 4. They're kinda stuck in their own little neighborhoods.

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