This is the second expansion pack. It's main feature is, well, parties held in your sims' homes. The endgame for this expansion is to hold a successful house party. If you can achieve that, a special NPC will show up to your party!
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Buy the Fancy Feet Cake Treat to hire one. Keep your eye on them, as they will flirt with sims, both married and single. If there are kids on the lot, a gorilla will appear instead.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Charges $350 per visit. Stays on the lot until midnight or is dismissed. Any sim living on the lot can hire him.
He will keep an eye on the food and refill the food and punch for free. He will talk to the party guests if there is nothing for him to do.
If there are no buffet tables for him, he will fine your sims $25 then leave.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Does your party suck? (Party mood less than 15 after 90 minutes.) Well that's when this guy comes onto your lot. Like the Tragic Clown, he will make your party guests miserable and he won't leave when you ask him to! On top of that, he is able to steal things, which includes your party objects like the buffet table.

You can get rid of him though!
  • Make your party guests happy (party mood above 25)
  • End the party
  • Delete him with the 'moveobjects' cheat.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Party Crashers
They show up after your party is 120 minutes old, and your party score is 40 or better. They do have a chance to disturb guests or even sleep over. In other words, your party is going great, but it can be even better!

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Drew Carey
If this guy shows up to your party, you've successfully thrown the best House Party! This is your end goal.

Your party must be at least 135 minutes old and have reached a score of at least 55!

Good luck!

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