
I’ve heard people say “The Sims 1 is hard!” They’re not wrong! Unlike the “dollhouse” like playstyle of the Sims 4 today, back then, The Sims 1 was more of a life simulator game that took planning and strategy to take care of your sims as they lived their daily lives. Let’s take a deep dive into this game and learn what it takes to keep your sims alive and happy.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Having a job is the best way to earn money.

All jobs have 3 requirements. Be in a good mood before your carpool arrives *every day* (Weekends and holidays don't exist in this game without mods), build your skills, and make and maintain family friends.

Let’s go over what skills are required, how many family friends are needed, and the levels in each Career. *Career Levels are not numbered in the game, so this should help you see where your sim is at in their career.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

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  • I suggest that the Military should probably be the first career you get for your newly created sim. It requires the least amount of friends, which begins at level 6.
  • It seems the most difficult career in the base game is Politics. It requires a total of 17 friends, which begins at level 4.
  • When it comes to Careers, I would suggest taking the time during low levels to max your skills. Once that’s done, all you have to do is focus on making and maintaining friends.
A good tip here is to start your lot with 2 sims. One is the 'bread winner' while the other one is more 'support'. I'll explain as we go on.

The only way to get a job is to find one from the newspaper or computer. The newspaper only has one random job offer per day. The computer has 3 random job offers per day.

When your 'bread winner' sim gets a job, start them on a daily a routine. Buy them an alarm clock and set it. Their alarm will automatically go off once a day, 2 hours before the carpool arrives. Make sure they have enough time to sleep the night before to max their energy motive. Another thing is to make sure their bedroom is quiet. No tv, no stereo, no noise besides a phone, the alarm clock, and maybe a burglar alarm, just in case. Keep in mind that the alarm clock will wake up all sims in the room, not just the intended one. In our case, that can be helpful.

Now that your working sim and the support sim are awake, get the working sim to the bathroom for a shower (not a bath) and potty. In the meantime, have your support sim prepare a group meal right away. It helps if that supporting sim has a high Cooking skill and expensive cookware to use.

By the time the working sim is out of the bathroom, they should be able to grab a plate. It won't be long now before you hear the carpool outside! Don't let your working sim clean dishes, the support sim can handle that. Just get them to that carpool.

Now that your working sim is at work, your support sim can work on the house cleaning. Then they can invite sims over and work on making and maintaining household friendships.

When your working sim gets home, work on their mood a little bit, then work on any skill requirements they might have. If you don't reach the next level of a skill, that's ok. What matters is that you made progress. After that, take care of motives one more time, then its off to bed at a decent time.

Rinse and repeat!

Managing your sims with a job is probably one of the hardest things to do in the base game. Especially trying to juggle 17 friends and once! (That is the highest amount of friends that is required for the base game, and is for level 10 of the Political Career track.)

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

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Required Skills
Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Mailroom Clerk
2. Executive Assistant
3. Field Sales Representative
4. Junior Executive
5. Executive
6. Senior Manager
7. Vice President
8. President
9. CEO
10. Business Tycoon

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

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Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Pickpocket
2. Bagman
3. Bookie
4. Con Artist
5. Getaway Driver
6. Bank Robber
7. Cat Burglar
8. Counterfeiter
9. Smuggler
10. Criminal Mastermind

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

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Required Skills
Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Waiter/Waitress
2. Extra
3. Bit Player
4. Stunt Double
5. B-Movie Star
6. Supporting Player
7. TV Star
8. Feature Star
9. Broadway Star
10. Superstar

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Law Enforcement

Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Security Guard
2. Cadet
3. Patrol Officer
4. Desk Sergeant
5. Vice Squad
6. Detective
7. Lieutenant
8. SWAT Team Leader
9. Police Chief
10. Captain Hero

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »


Required Skills
Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Medical Technician
2. Paramedic
3. Nurse
4. Intern
5. Resident
6. GP
7. Specialist
8. Surgeon
9. Medical Researcher
10. Chief of Hospital Staff

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »


Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic

Total Family Friends

1. Recruit
2. Elite Forces
3. Drill Instructor
4. Junior Officer
5. Counter Intelligence
6. Flight Officer
7. Senior Officer
8. Commander
9. Astronaut
10. General

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

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Required Skills
Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Campaign Worker
2. Intern
3. Lobbyist
4. Campaign Manager
5. City Council Member
6. State Assembly (Wo)man
7. Congress(wo)man
8. Judge
9. Senator
10. Mayor

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Pro Athlete

Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Team Mascot
2. Minor Leaguer
3. Rookie
4. Starter
5. All-Star
6. MVP
7. Superstar
8. Assistant Coach
9. Coach
10. Hall of Famer

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »


Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Test Subject
2. Lab Assistant
3. Field Researcher
4. Science Teacher
5. Project Leader
6. Inventor
7. Scholar
8. Top Secret Researcher
9. Theorist
10. Mad Scientist

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: Careers

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Xtreme Career

Required Skills
Cooking, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Creativity

Total Family Friends

1. Daredevil
2. Bungee Jumping Instructor
3. Whitewater Guide
4. Xtreme Circuit Pro
5. Bush Pilot
6. Mountain Climber
7. Photo Journalist
8. Treasure Hunter
9. Grand Prix Driver
10. International Spy

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