Error Trap

These mods need their own section!
These mods are essential to better gameplay. Here are some of the Nraas mods and settings I use.
Yes, links to the mods are included.
Also a huge thank you to Nraas for making these!
*These will be updated with settings and such as I need them.
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Error Trap

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »
Nraas Industries Site wrote:This is a core-mod intended to catch and correct data corruption errors that can render a save-game unloadable. Any corruption errors that can not be corrected will be trapped and logged, allowing the save-game to load regardless. Unhandled script errors may be posted on the forum for review and possible repair.

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