
These mods need their own section!
These mods are essential to better gameplay. Here are some of the Nraas mods and settings I use.
Yes, links to the mods are included.
Also a huge thank you to Nraas for making these!
*These will be updated with settings and such as I need them.
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm


Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »
Nraas Industries Site wrote:This mod alters the rules governing role assignment in the game, allowing sims to maintain regular careers without losing their roles. In addition, it provides the ability to select which sim you want to perform specific roles in town. Note: If you do not specify a sim to man an object, the system will assign one automatically, either by immigrating a new sim, or choosing an unemployed resident, depending on the role. A new menu called "Register…" has been added to all role giving objects in town, to all occupied lots, and the City Hall.

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