
These mods need their own section!
These mods are essential to better gameplay. Here are some of the Nraas mods and settings I use.
Yes, links to the mods are included.
Also a huge thank you to Nraas for making these!
*These will be updated with settings and such as I need them.
Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm


Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »
Nraas Industries Site wrote:This mod provides the ability to alter which interactions are autonomous and/or user-directed via an in-game interface, both ITUN and SocialData based. It also allows altering the value of most non-table-based tunable fields normally available in _XML tuning.
The alteration can be made to operate within a set time-frame during the sim-day, allowing for different values at night, as well as different values per season.

Phoenix Flaming Star
Site Admin
Posts: 366
Joined: November 15th, 2024, 5:12 pm

Re: Retuner

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Save your game when you're finished!

Stop the Mascot From Showing Up
City Hall → Nraas→ Retuner → Settings → General →By Tunable XML → Sims3.Gameplay.Situations → MascotIntroSituation
  • kCameraCenterOnLotTime = 0
  • kDoCameraZoom = False
  • kGlobalMascotTimeout = 100,000
  • kHoursToIdle = 0.01
  • kHoursToWaitForGreet = 0.01
  • kInitialWaitTime = 1,000,000
You're too old to Pillow Fight! Stop!
City Hall → Nraas→ Retuner → Settings → General → Social Interactions → Ask to Pillow Fight
  • Allow Age Species: Actor = Human Teen, Human child True (The rest are False)
  • Allow Age Species: Target = Human Teen, Human child True (The rest are False)
  • Allow Autonomous = False
  • Allow Pregnant Sims = False
  • User Directed Only = True
Get! Off! Your phone!
City Hall → Nraas → Retuner → Settings → General → By Object → PhoneSmart
-Browse the Web
  • Allow Autonomous: False
  • Allow from Inventory: False
  • Allow Pregnant Sims: False
-Stream Video
  • Allow Autonomous: False
  • Allow for Autonomous Non Greeted Sims: False
  • Allow for Greeted Sims: False
  • Allow for User directed Non Greeted Sims: False
  • Allow from Inventory: False
  • Allow on Community Lots: False
  • Allow Pregnant Sims: False
Make your bed!
City Hall → Nraas → Retuner → Settings → General → By Tunable XML → Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Beds → Bed → kChanceToMakeBed 99

Stop playing those loud obnoxious computer games!
CityHall → Nraas → Retuner → Settings → General → By Object → Computer → Play Computer Games
Turn everything to False except Allow User Directed.

Paint Faster!
  • City Hall -> Nraas -> Returner -> Settings -> General -> By Tunable XML -> Sims3.gameplay.objects.hobbiesskills -> Easel ->kPaintTimeCanvasLarge -> 240
  • City Hall -> Nraas -> Returner -> Settings -> General -> By Tunable XML -> Sims3.gameplay.objects.hobbiesskills -> Easel ->kPaintTimeCanvasMedium -> 150
  • City Hall -> Nraas -> Returner -> Settings -> General -> By Tunable XML -> Sims3.gameplay.objects.hobbiesskills -> Easel ->kPaintTimeCanvasSmall -> 90

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