This is the first expansion. Unlike expansions after it, this one really has no theme. It just literally adds on to the base game.

In this section, let’s go over some of the more relevant objects, the NPC’s and careers that come with this expansion, and some other features included with Livin’ Large.

I’m not covering every little detail, just the big ones. I encourage you to play the game with this pack to discover more surprises.
Phoenix Flaming Star
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Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Grim Reaper
Yeah, the Grim Reaper came with Livin' Large, not the base game.
He appears if a sim dies on your lot. However, you can interact with him, but you gotta be quick! Pause you game as soon as he appears. Have a living sim Plea with him. (If you are playing with only one sim, and they die, you can't do this.) Then your sim plays a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

The Reaper Wins
  • Your deceased sim is returned to life! Just, as a zombie with no personality.... :/ Well, it's something, right?
  • Your deceased sim stays dead.
Your Sim Wins
  • Your deceased sim is fully resurrected!

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

You can get one from Buy Mode for $15,000. You can not control them. They replace the gardener, maid and repairman. They wear different hats depending on what they are currently doing. Servo can also kind of cook for you, although their meals aren't very filling. Servo's can break down, but it's rare. They'll type on the keyboard on their charging chamber to repair themselves. This takes a few hours. Servos are considered an object and do not fill a family sim slot.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Sunny the Tragic Clown
Omg, this NPC...

If your sim owns the Tragic Clown painting, they're depressed, and they view that painting... say hello to this guy.

He tries to cheer your sim up, but fails miserably! Any trick he tries will fail which doesn't help your depressed sim. He will wander around your lot and won't leave.

If you trap him within a room with no door, he will simply make a hole, jump in, and appear somewhere else on your lot!

Thankfully, there are a few ways to get rid of him!
  • Raise the mood of your sim.
  • Set fire to the Tragic Clown Painting (be careful not to set your house on fire)
  • Hire the Clown Catchers on the phone (only available while Sunny is on your lot.)
  • Slap Sunny until he's happy.
  • Sell the Tragic Clown painting.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

Santa Claus
Yup, Santa can visit your sims.

Before midnight, have your sim place a plate of cookies near a Christmas tree that is sitting near an unlit fire place. Now send your sims to bed, again before midnight. Santa will appear at around 3am. Santa will leave presents for your sims. They can be unwrapped but won't contain anything. However, Santa will still leave an object for the family before he leaves.

Your sims can not interact with Santa, and Buy and Build mode are both disabled during his visit.

Phoenix Flaming Star
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Re: NPC's

Unread post by Phoenix Flaming Star »

See Antique Lamp in the Objects thread.

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